Distribution and Salesperson Management Software
Based on understanding the difficulties of daily distributions and sales process we developed a system that facilitates the administration and financial work of the distribution and sales companies. Phenix can be fully installed on a Windows tablet and this smoothens the work and ensures timely synchronization between the company and salespersons.
Top Features
Sales synchronization
The possibility to timely sync all sales with the company database
Payment Methods
Accepts many payment methods and supports all currencies
Remote Access
Check all the available products and quantities on-the-go
Instant reportings
Issue a dynamic report based on the needs almost instantly
Fully supports all Tax laws in the United Arab Emirates ( VAT - Selective Taxes)
Sales Management
The possibility to issue a sale order remotely
Track and monitor all sales in real time
check prices remotely according to the salesperson permissions
Make a certain discount or link the sale with another bill
Add an unlimited number of salespersons
Manage and define each salesperson responsibilities
Unique reports for each salesperson
Customize and organize your team in groups
Billing system
Issue a dynamic bill with one click
The possibility to edit certain bill and add extra discount
A comprehensive bill archiving and search system
Issue bills automatically based on a certain schedule